Get! Together! : What if I don't care (And I don't care) For someone else (I more than miss you) And all I find is nothing left inside my empty? It takes two to touch (I miss my touch) I don't remember much (I can't recall now where and how) except your hardened hands and salt-and-sands and loving life as such and then you're gone. Gone, gone, gone. (My mind's come undone cuz I know you're the one.) Love is real. (It's simple and it's true: I'm in love with you.) Let's spend some time together. What if there's no choice? I checked the stage and with certainty you'll be near to me, the probability is rather gray No parting words to say. (And I don't care.) No sorrow songs to play The solutions clear: if you can't be near, I'll have to go your way. Let's get together now. Ahahahahah. Don't care where and how. Ahahaha My mind has come undone, unbound, unable to get by. It's simple and true, I can't help thinking of you.