Kneeling upon desecrated earth, we appeal to Thee, our Dark Lord To Darkest Hate did I beckon, Doth visage I shalt know. For Joy I am spent, Malice indulges me verily. Unholiest Judge, What Woeful Wrath hadst thou like unto stone was thou facade, And as stone, did sink the hearts of the peaceful and the happy On the inside was I harrowed, as his divine curse hath left me forlorn in the shadow of silence! You have cursed ten thousand souls You have thirsted for unchallenged rulership Let the blood of your enemies flow They shall pray to you alone Unto death deliver thine darkness Unto darkness, death doth deliver I bow to a statue of your likeness I pray to death, deliver, hither I bow, to the Dark Master The Ruler of my Fate The blackness of his gaze turned all to decay You have cursed ten thousand souls They shall pray to you alone You have cursed ten thousand souls I bow to you, Zoldon