Herald: SILENCE!! The prophet speaks…. The prophet: The Prophecy of Metal speaks of a great power, Enduring through many an age The Prophecy tells of a sinister evil, In the form of a magical blade The weapon must be obtained, Even if the master must desecrate the tombs The seeker shall not be shamed, His quest shall grant him the boon A final dungeon remains unsearched, This endless cavern seems ominous Somewhere here is hidden the sword, Behold the hallway is luminous Reaper Crackling with arcane energies, Daemonic wails resound from the walls He who would take the sword must pledge the slaughter of happiness till the day he falls Destroyer: Lifeslayer is the prophesied sword, the brand of hatred rules over the horde Ultimate power the sages reckon Reaper: Lifeslayer be wielded, the darkness shall beckon Destroyer/Reaper Master of shadows… Zoldon lays claim to the sword Darker than nightshade… Zoldon lays claim to the blade Sharper than diamond… the prophesy was true, true to the word Battleworthy blade… Wargear is ready, ready for the raid Administor of pain… Lifeslayer is for Zoldon to wield Commander of death… Countless deaths are for Zoldon to deal Bringer of strife… Strife shall come, Zoldon is the bringer Slayer of life… Lifeslayer is the slayer of life