See a play, see a sore, see a reason to believe in more Better still, take a walk, take a pickup from the only stop She is ill, he is still just as trying as he was before Comes around with some chat, with a dagger hanging in your back It's insane because Everybody come down We can drive, we can race, we can celebrate space Everybody come down To the place I've erased I said I could believe, but I never did believe in you Got a slap in your face from the mafia who ran the place Was a girl with the thrill, liked to show me how she knew the drill For a while kept it low then decided I could ace her blow Moved away, there she stayed, now she's living for the hit parade It's insane because Everybody come down We can drive, we can race, we can celebrate space Everybody come down To the place I've erased I said I could believe, but I never did believe in you Everybody come down We can drive, we can race, we can celebrate space Everybody come down We have hills, we have pills, we have people in place Everybody come down Everybody come down Everybody come down Everybody come down (down, down, down)