Tom: D D G D G Myla Goldberg sets a steady hand upon her brow D G D G Myla Goldberg hangs a crooked foot all upside down D G It comes around, it comes around Pretty hands do pretty things when pretty times arise Seraphim and seaweed swim where stick-limbed Myla lies It comes around, it comes around A G D A Still know you're waiting to grow E G A Inside you're old G D Sew wings to your pigeon toes E Put paper to pen G To spell out "Eliza" We begin with sticky shins, make sticky then our shoes Shoes beget to clothes and hat until sticky's sticking too Finiculi finicula finiculi finicula Listen in as shin-kicked Jim relates his story sad About a boy who kicked until his shins were all but rubberbands But now I know New York, I need New York I know I need unique New York Still now you're waiting to grow Inside you're old Sew wings to your pigeon toes Put paper to pen To spell out "Eliza" Eliza Eliza