Paralysed, eyes fixed upon This end of a life Nightmarish, the spectre remains And so shall I And so shall I As the world continues to turn I am dragged ever forward Caught in the vessels of time I am forced to watch her die To watch her die Irrational, unreachable Inside this fragile mind Nothing but a shadow To be kept alive Still the world continues to turn Nothing will ever change I cannot save her Fate to collapse I cannot leave her Heartbeat weakening Consciousness fading Dying eyes carve into me This is just irrational, unreachable (unreachable) Inside this fragile mind (this fragile mind) Nothing but a shadow To be kept alive Irrational, unreachable (inside) Inside this fragile mind (this fragile mind) Nothing but a shadow (alive) To be kept alive Kept alive As the world continues to turn I am dragged ever forward Caught in the vessels of time (endless time) I am forced to watch her die Heartbeat weakening Consciousness fading