Get out of my face I hope you realize just how elementary You sound, you sound Someone please get this kid a band-aid Before he bleeds disease, all over town. I cannot stand the way, you hate on everything, It needs to end today, your ego's driving me insane I need some work as well i know, i know. I suppose, i suppose if we all try harder To start relating, maybe we'd stop the hating I propose, i propose that we all try harder To spread some joy and laughter, in this world of disaster. Here we go again, There is no limit to the lies you give, you give I look, at my eyes, in the mirror I see, that i'm, just like the enemy. I have to break away, before it get's too faint We all have light to shine, it's time that we illuminate Now is the time to let it show, it show. Yet she's the only crowd i need, Yet she's the only crowd i need Yet she's the only crowd i need Leila you're the only crowd i need. Am i just wasting time? On all my dreams in life I need some inspiration Been trying my whole life, And still i feel unacceptable In the eyes of the father. Father, Father Father.