Rolling down the road on my big ole iron horse Can’t remember the time or day The sun has come and gone, and tonight I’m all alone My bones are aching, my mind is frayed Whiskey and a ginger, yeah, its my elixir With a cigarette to pass the time I feel a little better, the minute that we enter The hotel and close my eyes tonight I’m a gypsy, I’m a lover I’m an outlaw without a gun So don’t ask me, I can’t tell you The last time I saw the sun Every night I’m in a groove, I’m always on the move Every stage begins to look the same The faces that I see all look so familiar But I can’t remember the names There’s a honey looking my direction She a lip smacking hell of a time I’ll feel a little better, the minute that I get her to The hotel, and turn out the lights oh my I’m a gypsy, I’m a lover An outlaw without a gun So don’t ask me, I can’t tell you The last time I saw the sun