Once we We were the young and the tragic Trying to make our magic in This world of temporary things We were Searching for sweet perfection Turning it to affliction while Not knowing fact from fiction I was thoughtless Never that cold and heartless It was a play reserved for you When you wanted something new No more Call me when you are sober You are too drunk to remember now I did write you a love song You got the words wrong The pledge, the turn, the prestige Are not worth anything When we have to perform them In front of a blind audience We all have made our mistakes Mistakes we've paid for I'll always be a monster But not your monster anymore In the end we Gave a birth to a hopeless dream We had it all but prestige and I have grown to hate our child I learned After we closed the curtain And you had made me disappear I was not the magician But the assistant The pledge, the turn, the prestige Are not worth anything When we have to perform them In front of a blind audience We all have made our mistakes Mistakes we've paid for I'll always be a monster But not your monster anymore I have no more cards up my sleeve And you're no enchanter I might have been playing the wolf But you were the vampire The pledge, the turn, the prestige Are not worth anything When we have to perform them In front of a blind audience We all have made our mistakes Mistakes we've paid for I'll always be a monster But not your monster anymore The pledge, the turn, the prestige Are not worth anything When we have to perform them In front of a blind audience We all have made our mistakes Mistakes we've paid for I'll always be a monster But not your monster anymore