In the land of the blind one-eyes is king Forget the crown, your eyes ain’t seeing a shit. Face to face with the gorgon your body ain’t shivering You would stay flesh and bones her looks wouldn’t change your skin Feels fucking sore, to see you blind hear you snore Like little whores, you’re like the bible thumpers You only obey and believe You only worship the words of the fucking screen So much words, so much speeches So much bullshit concepts designed to make us feel free You’re fucking scared. You’re just a sheep flock, just fucking bleat, following its shadow You won’t avoid freezing by hiding the snow You are all lost in this self-made obscurity Wondering in this artificial mist You’re all lost, you can’t breathe, you can’t see, you can’t feel I’d like to be the voice of this generation To be a serious threat to this fucked up system I’d like to believe, to still have hope Give you an optimistic message when I pose But this is my truth, this the truth I see, struggling through this life and this shit ain’t a dream just believe me If you wanna play it fucking easy, drawn in your own shit, live in obscurity, smile blind, damn your world is dying, look life in the eye just stop hiding You face a dilemma, start living real or dive back in your coma, you can start breathing or sleep down to your grave you can start seeing you’ve got a choice to make Fuck this shit! Eat me drink me fucking bite me Welcome to wonderland, bitch Follow me down the rabbit hole Answers may hurt but at least you’ll know Follow me down the rabbit hole Recover sight with the wonder whore Follow me down the rabbit hole Answers may hurt but at least you’ll know Follow me down the in rabbit hole Recover sight with the wonder whore