I cracked the world and what emerged A gaily feathered lyrebird Calling my name in every tongue but yours All flies will struggle against their fate The crooked lines that we force straight I know a web when one is placed before me Antipsychotics do the trick Though neither free of pain nor quick They'd core us like so many rotten pears My gut would tie in aching knots My head cascade with just such thoughts If I could hear them over the tossing of your Hair This ancient custom's learned by rote We sound the pitches note for note The primal cadence of some grand upheaval Life runs downhill until you die When the momentum from on high Carries you deep into an earthen hell We played with matches once when young But years have robbed our puerile fun We need infernos now to leave the ground I bathe in poems clothe in psalms My lips are dripping with napalm And all my ire's bent to burn this whole mess Down Let's raise it to the ground We'll set it all aflame And burn our cares away Let's burn this whole mess down