In the lonely streets of every town In the home of Mr Jones The men all sell their souls to love But their women sleep alone The women sell their love for cheap for security They take allot of shit just to get their bit But nothing comes for free Oh Don't sell your love Oh Don't sell your love too cheap In the flea bit ridden crossroads Of the fallin' livin' streets Old men stare and women wear Clothes that make them weep At the burnin' and of a satellite town Where windows smash or shine Lovers bleed take what they need From the deaf dumb and the blind Oh Don't sell your love Oh Don't sell your love too cheap Sometimes I get my feet stuck so hard in the ground It's like diggin' a hole just standin' around Every single fuckin' day that goes by I miss to of My friends outside are gettin' fewer and fewer And I feel like I'm sittin on a human sewer Mother fucken nature like I never ever knew her Make the same mistakes over and over again And I stop to explode all over my freinds I'm so scared know I don't know who I am I guess I'm a man yeah I'm only human I've got no fucken strength of body and mind Cause they days go on just like I'm doin' time There's a soul suckin strap at the top of my spine I gotta get straight walk a straight line Everywhere you look today there are people livin' lies If they can't get the truth they want they're quick to compromise Suck a little bit here suck a little bit there Till they think they're satisfied But their hunger for the real thing Keeps them crawlin' back inside Oh Don't sell your love Oh Don't sell your love too cheap