Wanted to go to the white fluffy clouds in a Bombay Sapphire coma Been several shades of broken ever since I disowned her I wanted to be with my woman in a a sensimilia haze I wanted to go to the white fluffy clouds and start the happy days I was just a has-been, gone there and done that, got the t-shirt She laughed when I told her I was seriously hurt She said, don't want your money, pain comes free You hooked up with pain, when you hooked up with me Wanted to go to the white fluffy clouds utopia granted my wish But when I looked under the blanket I saw the legs of a fish I wanted to be with my woman in a a sensimilia haze I wanted to go to the white fluffy clouds and start the happy days I was just a has-been, gone there and done that, got the t-shirt She laughed when I told her I was seriously hurt She said, don't want your money, pain comes free You hooked up with pain, when you hooked up with me She said, don't want your money, pain comes free You hooked up with pain, when you hooked up with me Don't want your money, pain comes free You hooked up with pain, when you hooked up with me