Tragedy rocks, misery rolls, disaster stands on my doorstep. A lucky strike in her white lips. On the other side everything's strange and elusive, everyone's stuck in the mud covered in blood on a recent trip to Bollywood. It was magnifico while it lasted, it was kookee, as kookee could be but everytime, look what happened, darkness broke free. It was magnifico while it lasted, it was kookee, as kookee could be but everytime, look what happened, darkness broke free. Been like forever since last we made love, let's get horizontal before the future catches up. Been like a lifetime since last you were here, I could eat you for breakfast sugar, before the future disapears. It was magnifico while it lasted, it was kookee, as kookee could be but everytime, look what happened, darkness broke free. It was magnifico while it lasted, it was kookee, as kookee could be but everytime, look what happened, darkness broke free