You seem to find it easier now that you're so well known For all the wrong reasons yeah I'm sure you know Believe me it's fine. I mean the pleasure's all mine And I have to admit I admire how you evade your crimes And I know it's not my place to say but if I may, if I may See it's oh so hard to play your part in this When all you see are the things you just can't miss Just remember this. You belong so very far away from here And even when you fight you're never in the wrong You've always got your knives out where they don't belong And would you agree in pleasant company Things just work better if you just let them be And I know it's not my place to say but if I may, if I may See it's oh so hard to play your part in this When all you see are the things you just can't miss Just remember this. You belong so very far away from here