[Narrator] Randomboy was the last represent He stepped forward as cool, calm and collected as ever [Randomboy] Yo, two one check mic Uh, watch me spark my verse By kicking my opening line in reverse for these customers Could I interest you in a little shot of neuro-linguistic programming Woah, this beat is banging Oh, let me not leave you hanging Right now you feeling very very lovely You're bouncing around all lively and bubbly, it might very well be something I said that got you all super-charged like this Bouncing up and down like a bunch of grass-hoppers The one observing the crowd like an antropologist From inside this big old megalopolith Is trying his best to help you all feel marvellous So if you're not feeling this I'm not sure what the problem is Uh The crowd erupted magnificently There was absolutely no doubt at all who the winner was Shabang then activated a special complimentary multi-line upgrade And randomboy found himself met by a gorgeous floating ovation The temporary upgrade began to wear off gently As randomboy rose up above the masses All the way up, into shebang's enormous luxury cruiser The cruiser then set off towards randomboy's new mystery destination