The Color


The Color

Look at the stars hanging in the sky
Who put them there?
Who gives them light?
No deep ocean could hold His grace.
Follow His lead and He will make a way

He broke the fall when he rose from the grave
He changed everything in a matter of days
No matter how big the problem we face
We have to remember
It remains the same

When you just can not face tomorrow
When you're at the bottom of sadness
When your faith is in the limit
Do not be afraid to step on
Because even though you do not fly
He'll catch you by surprise!
He'll catch you by surprise!

Do not be afraid, stand up
Your hands of love hold everything
Everything we know can not understand
His perfect will and His perfect plan

So when you just can not face tomorrow
When you're at the bottom of sadness
When your faith is in the limit
Do not be afraid to step on
Because even though you do not fly
He'll catch you by surprise!
He'll catch you by surprise!