The College Life

The Change Came Suddenly

The College Life

can i spread frustration without speaking? 
without parting my lips except to breathe? 
i let my actions speak for me because my words collided with yours 
it created tension and frustration 
so i left 
i didn't turn around to see how troubled you were that night 
i promise that it paled in comparison to the anguish each step brought me as i walked away 
my heart pumps your rhapsody 
i still lick my lips to the thought of you 
so now i'm stuck here in the purgatory of longing for that one kiss good-bye 
i try to empty myself of all desire that i crave for you 
but the attempt only brings me to my knees 
i succumb to your idol 
this subconscious social vampire who haunts every thought 
i choke on the will to demand patience only to find myself swallowing blood