The gods made the earth and life as we know it On ly a fragment is left of a once divided empire We, who tried to conquer the gods, Selfishly walking towards our own doom Ignoring the will of the gods Sekhmet! sekhmet! sekhmet! Wrath of sekhmet! The highest of the gods Asks the elders for guidance For the ultimate punishment to mankind To force us to believe in them, believe in them! The highest of the gods Asks the elders for guidance For the ultimate punishment to mankind To force us to believe in them, believe in them! Summoning the malice, the gods has awaken With to much bloodlust, with to much hate The joy of killing and devouring the flesh The bloodfeast has begun, the end of mankind is near! Sekhmet! sekhmet! sekhmet! Wrath of sekhmet! The gods could not control the lionheaded beast Sekhmet destroyed everything in her way The gods overflowed the fields with khadaki, Red and pure as blood Drinking so thirsty she finally fell asleep, for eternity Walking in the ruins, mankind had learned a lesson well No one disrespects the gods of fate Under the blackened sky we are forever slaves Set us free! The highest of the gods Asks the elders for guidance For the ultimate punishment to mankind To force us to believe in them, believe in them! The highest of the gods Asks the elders for guidance For the ultimate punishment to mankind To force us to believe in them, believe in them!