Searching for everything and nothing. Be careful of your living, You're sinking like a stone. Oh no. Tripping, you can't believe you're slipping, Into this world of nothing, The time you've spent alone. Alone. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Blonde hair, they knew it wasn't really her's, But no one dared to mention, That she might lose her mind, This time. The last thing i heard about you made me sting. They said you bought a diamond ring, You buried in the yard. My god! Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting, for a friend. Cinderella drinks a vodka every saturday night Laces up her eighteen holes boots making sure they're on tight She walks into the bathroom and she turns on the light Uppers, downers, amphetamines, make her waistline just right. Now she looks her self over with a horrid delight. Cracks a smile, pats her hair down, rolls back tears in her eyes. Puts a fist through the mirror, sticks up her middle finger, "it's been you that's made me miserable all my fucking life!" Waiting Waiting Waiting, For a friend. I'm waiting, Oh, i'm waiting, I'm waiting, for a friend. Aaah, ooooh. Aaa eeee aaah. Aaaaah. Eeeh eeeh eeeh eahhhh.