The Clark Sisters

Now Is The Time

The Clark Sisters

Verse 1:
Now is the time,
purge, change your mind.
For your deliverance in Jesus Christ you'll find.

Verse 2:
Loving and kind, merciful and mild,
He stands with arms open, 
why won't you abide?

Seek ye the Lord while He may be found,
call upon Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake His way,
the unrighteous man, his thoughts.

Verse 3:
Blood, sweat, and tears,
thirst, thrust with spears;
He did it all upon the cross that you may live.

Blood, sweat, and tears,
thirst, thrust with spears;
He did it all upon the cross that you may live.

Jesus said, "Come unto me Ye heavy laden",
"I'll give you rest for your soul".

Rest, rest, rest for your soul

Come unto me, unto me 
and I'll give you rest for your soul.