The Clark Sisters

Love Wont Leave You

The Clark Sisters

I think I caught you just in time
I caught you trying to survive
Broken pieces in your heart, never mend
But every hope you've ever had
Can breathe again
Love won't leave you empty-handed
Broken down and somewhere stranded
Love won't leave you hanging on for life
Cause love is
Love is always true
God is love
And love won't leave you
I wanna say you'll be okay
Always doing things the hard way
Living paralyzed by fear
But you know
You can let it go today
And save tomorrow
Love is gonna free your mind
Love is gonna steal your pride
And even though the hard times come
Love is gonna make things right
I think I caught you just in time
Love is gonna save your life
I believe that when we are in the darkest of places in life one of the most important things is to know we are not alone. The first time I heard this song I was loving the melody and "liking" what it was saying....... until I heard the last line in the Chorus. "God is love and love won't leave you." I remember being in the room with the rest of Avalon and throwing my pen down on the table and saying "I love it." We do have a God that has promised to NEVER leave. He has never left me and, wherever you go, He will always be with you too. I believe it.