Tom: Bb Okay, messing aorund with this song, came up with this, play around with the rythym and pick it up, sounds about right. play this part throughout the verse's and chorus' -------------------------| -------------------------| --10--10--12-------------| --10--10--12-------------| --8---8---10-------------| -------------------------| countinue playing the last chord until it starts again if you feel like it. On the quiet part play it muted with an occasional chord. ---x----x-----------------| ---x----x-----------------| ---x-12-x-----------------| ---x-12-x-----------------| ---x-10-x-----------------| ---x----x-----------------| As it speeds up play this repeatedly until it kicks back in with the main riff. --------------------------| --------------------------| ---12/13/12---------------| ---12/13/12---------------| ---10/11/10---------------| --------------------------| Like i said, not exact but mess around it with and you'll pick up a rythym :)