Look out! Look out! here comes a man Woody Guthrie, no one should forget Why - do you think he stood for you and me? Why - should no one forget about him? IN IT FOR LIFE - HE DIDN'T CHANGE FOR NO ONE HE STOOD FOR YOU HE STOOD FOR ME HE STOOD FOR US IN IT FOR LIFE He cared! He cared! For the working class Anti war songs, and embraced my kind Why - do you think the poor loved him so much? Why - the common man and all the immigrants? IN IT FOR LIFE - HE DIDN'T CHANGE FOR NO ONE HE STOOD FOR YOU HE STOOD FOR ME HE STOOD FOR US IN IT FOR LIFE This machine kills fucking fascists! IN IT FOR LIFE - HE DIDN'T CHANGE FOR NO ONE HE STOOD FOR YOU HE STOOD FOR ME HE STOOD FOR US IN IT FOR LIFE