Bands come and go They lack life In a year they are gone They lack grace They're one hit wonder They lack passion It's a dead, worthless thing Hey hey hey grace face labor Wa ooh ooh music born of hardship Hey hey hey born of our soul Don't try to understand it, you never will It's in our hearts, the music we feel Heart bleeds black, we're poor at income Heart bleeds black, but rich with pride Heart bleeds black, i might be sad and angry Together we have hope until the end We're on the road in a filthy car Crusted with sweat We travel to the end of each highway I'm opening up music, music to the ugly How else can you get, get to the vine Except through the guts, the gut of man Not in the body, or through the skin But the guts, where u feel it within Heart bleeds black, we're poor at income Heart bleeds black, but rich with pride Heart bleeds black, i might be sad and angry Together we have hope until the end Meet some strangers along the way Have a few laughs,maybe a drink Tomorrow i'll do it again I never stay in one place Plenty of time to think Consider what i've done Do we do it for a reputation? No we do it cause it's in our blood! Heart bleeds black, we're poor at income Heart bleeds black, but rich with pride Heart bleeds black, i might be sad and angry We survive, fighting on