The Carter Family

Cowboys Wild Song To His Herd

The Carter Family

Tom: C

          C                       F
    One beautiful night when the moon was full,
            C                   G
    and the air was crisp and clear,
       C                  F
    a cowboy lay on the starlit plain,
          G             G7       C
    and thought of his home so dear.

( C F C G C )

         C                      F
    He thought of his mother he loved so well,
              C                    G
    and his slumber of sleep was blurred,
           C                      F
    not a sound to be heard but those of the night,
           G           G7          C
    as he sang a wild song to his herd.

( C F C G C )

         C                    F
    The cattle are lying so quiet and still
          C                       G
    on a carpet that mantels the west,
               C                    F
    while the golden lanes from the sky of night
          G            G7        C
    sing peace to the cowboy's breast.

( C F C G C )

               C                        F
    Still he thinks of his mother in a faraway land,
              C                         G
    and his thoughts by his memory was stirred,
            C                  F
    and he sees himself to the old home again,
           G           G7          C
    as he sang a wild song to his herd.

( C F C G C )

          C                      F
    He's far from the din of the city noise,
               C                   G
    where the lights of folly do shine,
          C                        F
    he's far from the jaws of the dives of sin,
              G       G7       C
    and the flow of sparkling wine.

         C                           F
    He's in the great West with its mantle of green,
               C                     G
    where his neighbors say never a word,
       C                       F
    a land of narrow ridge of mountains and plains,
             G            G7         C
    where a cowboy sings low to his herd.