Tom: Db Tabbed by:Jen Email:* Tuning: Hey everyone this is the first time I've ever tabbed anything... I know it's really so hopefully I've got it right. e|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|----6--6--4-----4------4--4---3-----3-----3--3--1-----1-----1--0--1--3---| E|----8--8--6--6-----6---6--6---4--4-----4--4--4--2--2-----2--2--1--2--4---| That's basically it throughout the whole intro and verses... the chorus sounds easy too but I'm not gutsy enough to try tabbing it myself yet... wouldn't want to ruin a great song | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note ===============================================================================