you were young, it was a long way to go that's what you thought but it was shorter you know you had it made when you were 21 and all at once all your sorrows were gone so you thought who cares about rules you little smart ass said: rules are for fools! (Chorus): boogie nights in spring and a slow blues in winter 2x now you're as old as your parents when they told you what to do and you realize most of it is true you must have been someone special indeed with all the parties, cars, girls and weed big tips for every little waitress in town the sound of cash was a wonderful sound (Chorus) most of your friends are dead or broke or in jail no more "new york, new york" you sit around and wait in a flat in a town where no one knows your name knowing that you're just living too long for this game (Chorus) 2x too many girls can you remember their names or do you think they still remember your fame with 35 they look twice as old and your hot volcano has become cold