Take these idle hands away Do with me what you will I've been stagnant so long In this sea of misbelief Our sleeping minds have fallen victim to the enemy Scream out your battle cry And swallow your senseless pride This will be the end of us Savor your last breath For it might be your last Remember why we are here Savor your last breath For it might be your last Remember why we are here Take these idle hands away Do with me what you will Our sleeping minds have fallen victim to the enemy Gaze through patient eyes We will be reborn better than before Savor your last breath it might be your last Remember why we are here Gaze through patient eyes we will be reborn Take these idle hands away Do with me what you will Scream out your battle cry And swallow your senseless pride We will be reborn Take these idle hands away Do with me what you will I've been stagnant so long In this sea of misbelief Our sleeping minds have fallen victim to the enemy Savor your last breath For it might just be your last Remember why we are here