When his lips moved, being became When his eyes look, all is revealed Omniscient, omnipotent, exalted in heaven on high Exalted on high The seed has sprung forth in power Destroying death's iniquitous clasp on mankind Worthy is the lamb who was slain for my redemption Holy is the one who in flesh came to suffer for me He'll reign eternally, his glory enthroned in praise Sovereign over creation, emblazoned in majesty Worthy is the lamb who was slain for my redemption Holy is the one who in flesh came to suffer for me The bruise on his heel will grow ever more faint The blow that he dealt will forevermore clang From the earth's chosen people came our "amazing grace" From this, the line of david, he chose his seed be placed On him, perfection defined, our dreadful curse was placed On him, perfection defined Worthy is the lamb who was slain for my redemption Holy is the one who in flesh came to suffer for me He'll reign eternally, his glory enthroned in praise Sovereign over creation, emblazoned in majesty