Born not of innocence but infantile avidity I let this mortal frame enrage my heart and conquer me Is this the light i claim i want the world to see? Or this the salt he said he needed me to be? The pressure's building to a boil on my tongue Festering, writhing still Festering, writhing 'til the tension climaxes A delicate balance in a maelstrom of misery It seems that solace is a fantasy And peace alludes my inmost being Only his heart contains the will to hold so great a peace Still i pray i feel this madness fades, i feel this madness fade Ensnaring thoughts slip through my mind like poison Ophidian words drip from my lips in venomous wrath If i could bridle this fire, if i could tame this spark But i know that it's futile without your intervention All i need is resignation to a greater dependance Born not of innocence but infantile avidity I let this mortal frame enrage my heart and conquer me Is this the light i claim i want the world to see? Or this the salt he said he needed me to be?