This is our blessed hope, the son of man is coming soon The trumpet has been set, to the archangel's lip The sky will crack, and in the twinkling of an eye all is revealed The hour has yet to fall us but soon This prize will be apparent to us all Pressing on, digging in for a goal worth so much more Than any desire this heart could ever contain On that day, our ransom redeemed His glory will shine forever, our faith embodied whole The very substance of our faith unfolds This is our blessed hope Why do we stop believing part way through his great story When his true perfect nature will soon reveal it's glory? An inheritance incorruptible, perfection passed down by grace He is the resurrection in him my hope is placed I hear their voices rising from all the empty graves "in man did we so perish, in christ we live again" The hour has yet to fall us but soon This prize will be apparent to us all "in man did we so perish, in christ we live again"