As the skies turned black and the world was shaken to its very core His chosen people were amazed at the words that they ignored The day, the time were in their hands Yet they didn't prepare for His arrival They saw the Lord Himself But even now, in our present lives Creation groans for its restoration A sinful fall Deceitful lies There is need for our salvation But we are not without hope So let us come unto the throne Of the One who sympathizes with our iniquities For we are not without hope I know my Redeemer lives And will again stand upon this earth After my skin is destroyed In my flesh, I shall see God The same spirit that rose Him from the dead now dwells within us To save us from the bonds of death that had once enslaved us His name we praise The flames of Hell, they knew my name And in their fire, my sins consumed me But there He was, One without blame And in His hands, He held the keys Death, where is your victory Where is your sting Christ conquered the grave Now bow to your King