And the rain, rain, rain it fell from the sky like scissors And the snow's fallin' out like broken teeth I ride a prison train away in iron chains and the darkness came upon me on that day when your time is up and you go up to the trophy in the sky and there's a million others aimin' for the prize on the day that you arrive you hang your head and cry Saint Peter's hanging 'no vacancy' signs And the rain, rain, rain it fell from the sky like scissors And the snow's fallin out like God's false teeth I ride a prison train away in iron chains and the darkness came upon me on that day well there is a place below the earth where the doors they never close and there's a fire in the floor and wall and ceiling oh, there'll always be a place they'll always make some space for the flock of sheep that heaven turned away and I heard the devil say, oh I heard the devil say: well you can try to build a heaven upon the earth no matter what it costs, no matter what it's worth well I'm coming down to stake my little claim I'll be coming with a suit and a tie and a name