The Briefs

Killed By Ants

The Briefs

That boy was killed by ants 
They bit him hard
There was nothing left 
On a desert in Africa
They tried to beat him with a spatula 
That boy was killed by ants 
They bit him hard
There was nothing left 
On the desert he was all they had 
A little bit of what he once was
Who'd think the family would sell the lies?
Make a featuring film 'bout the poor boy's life 
Called "Killed By Ants" 

Killed by ants
Killed by ants
Killed by ants
Killed by ants

That lady was killed by slugs 
They crawled out of her eyes
Guess her grave was dug 
Her daughter was so cool 
She liked to lay with her thoughts
She must of fell asleep 
They decided to rush 
That lady was killed by slugs 
They crawled out of her ears 
Guess her grave was dug
All alone they ate her insides 
What a sad way for her to die 
Her husband made a call to the New York Times 
Wrote a best selling a novel 'bout her sordid life 
Called "Killed By Slugs" 

Killed by slugs
Killed by slugs
Killed by slugs
Killed by slugs

Oh what a nasty way to die 
Man, there's not much left of you 
Oh well, all your friends and family sigh 
And dry your eyes 
How'd all this happen?
Oh, maybe its the perfect time 
You are perfectly deceased
You'll leave a legacy for all to read
Well ain't that something? 

Killed, killed by ants
Killed, killed by ants
Killed, killed by ants
Killed, killed by ants 
Oh he was killed, killed by ants 
Oh he was killed, killed by ants 
Oh he was killed, killed by ants 
Oh he was killed, killed by ants 
Oh he was killed, killed by ants 
Oh he was killed, killed by ants 
Oh he was killed, killed by ants 
Killed, killed by ants
Killed, killed by ants
Killed, killed by ants
Killed, killed by ants