Come sail with me Far out into the long, rolling waves Where we can drift out together Between the pitch-black seas And the glittering skies Each folding slowly into each Toward, towards the light, and away from light Knowing neither up, nor down Come sail with me And gaze upon the moonlit stars Until we know not if we are gazing Or dreaming, as the great and gentle sea Breathes us rising, and falling Into the unseeable night Come sail with me Gazed upon by the Moon And the small curious stars Are they also blinking heavily Tired and wondering If our sea is their sea And our boat, their boat? Do they comfort each other With the sound of waves Or words, lapping softly beside their glowing faces? Come sail with me Listen to the shimmering thoughts Of one small star Of one wandering star Falling slowly towards the light Away from the light Knowing neither up nor down Whose boat is maybe our boat Sea, our sea Who maybe sleeps our sleep Beneath the same--beneath the same blazing Moon