Every day he'd come home from school never gave a second thought to looking hot or cool kids there would make jokes behind back he didn't give a second thought to these petty attacks Individuality is sold to you by popular demand you're just a follower, you give in to their every command WE WON'T STAND FOR your hate and discrimination open your eyes to the world around you All the kids among him no matter what they'd say everyone would judge him in every single way -why are you so different? -do you think you're cool? yeah he was different, but at least he's not a tool! Individuality is sold to you by popular demand you're just a follower, you give in to their every command WE WON'T STAND FOR your hate and discrimination open your eyes to the world around you And every day it was the same he'd walk home the same way he came he started thinking about his fight and he, he knew he was right! Individuality is sold to you by popular demand you're just a follower, you give in to their every command WE WON'T STAND FOR your hate and discrimination open your eyes to the world around you