You should have been there, you should have empires fell down for the price of a smile and an hour alone You should have seen us, you should have we were magnificent not since the last days of Rome it doesn't matter now No more, no more Kid Galahad and you in the clever shadows no, no, no more, no more kissing in a chrome kinema You should have known me, you should have I was the valentine boy you don't believe me, do you? are you laughing at me? No more, no more Kid Galahad and you in the clever shadows no, no, no more, no more kissing in a chrome kinema And now the world is upside down I couldn't get arrested if I tried everything is topsy-turvy couldn't get arrested if I tried No more, no more, experiments in blue, with you and the clever boy, who knew how lucky he was, how lucky he was You should have been there, you should have