Leonard come swim with us Free yourself from the ship Leonard come swim with us You can control the sea Grow your fins in a week Come give it a chance Leonard come take the leap We will teach you to breath Under water so deep Right now make up your mind You don't have too much time What is your decision? *** Let me back it up folks I was at the end of my rope Suffering on this boat Of the rum I had two nips Watching the moon get eclipsed I thought I heard my name Yet nary a soul to blame I looked behind me - not a soul I looked heavenward - nothing so Nervously I craned my neck to look below Perhaps the salt air and rum has taken its toll There amidst the waves and froth Were two sea-women Beckoning me to go swimmin' All I could do was blink my eyes and cough I tell you, it was really no decision When promised a two fifty year dive I briefly glanced at the mast and leapt with precision At last, I enjoy this being alive I'm free Sovereignty Liberty Dignity Till nineteen hundred eighty three A merman I shall be