Under the waterline everything's damp And I hardly can see my hand before my face With forty men sharing the light of one lamp Oh how I wish I were out of this place But the day's work is done and there's nowhere to go We've finished the rum and sung our last yo ho ho So I climb into my hammock and peer down below To wait for the rat cotillion The band strikes up softly in snores and in groans The slap of the waves and the creak of the sails While down in the gloom of blood, vomit and bones I hear the faint stirrings of whiskers and tails The queen of the rats is the first to arrive Her ladies in waiting flank both of her sides They circle the dance floor with confident strides Make way for the rat cotillion The king and his court follow closely behind Soon all the guests have filled up the great hall They're greeting each other and drinking their wine Till finally everyone's here for the ball The dancers gavotte, waltz and minuet Like ladies and gentlemen high on their toes They curtsey and bow and turn gay pirouettes The better to show off their fabulous clothes The young debutantes in their rustling gowns Of velvet and satin in pink, grey and brown They're coming in droves from all over the town Tonight for the rat cotillion!