You told me we were right
You told me there was no other life
They were weak, but we were strong
Now we've both never heard this song.

We went to find them
Tried to bite them
But they were strong
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Suddenly everyone was gone
So I surrendered
His heart so tender
Maybe I could take them there
But that would have left me nowhere.

This life is so unfair
Unnatural in every factor
Didn't even have to breath air
Which really helped when She was there.


Her blood was so sweet.
Really just wanted to eat
But they were there….
…and that would have taken me nowhere



Você me disse que estávamos certos
Você me disse que não havia outra vid
Eles eram fracos,mas nós éramos fortes
gora nenhum de nós ouviu essa música

Nós fomos procurá-los
Tentamos mordê-los
Mas eles eram mais fortes
Oh oh oh oh oh
De repente todos haviam partido
Então eu me rendi
O coração dele encarregado
Talvez eu pudesse levá-los até lá
Mas isso não teria me levado à lugr lgum

Essa vida é tão injusta
Anormal em todos os fatores
Não precisava nem respirar ar
O que realmente ajudou quando ela estava lá


O sangue dela era tão doce
Realmente só queria comer
Ms eles estavam lá
E isso não teria me levado à lugar algum

