John to have and to hold. Faithfully. To honour and love. Devotedly. Wilt thou take this man? Mary yes i will. For better or worse. Constantly. In sickness and health. Unfailingly. Wilt thou take this girl? John yes i will. Both i pledge my soul to you. I give you my heart. There by your side until death do us part. Chorus to honour and love. Constantly. 'Til death do them part. Devotedly. Yes from this wedding day forth joined by god. Both to be by your side. Faithfully. Forsaking all others. Willingly. With my body i thee worship. And with this ring i thee wed. To have and to hold. Fervently. To honour and love. Unendingly. Wilt thou take this man/girl? Yes i will. John and wilt thou take this man for better and for worse? Mary and wilt thou take this girl in sickness and in health? Both and wilt thou take this heart? Congregation god we hope they've made the right decision. Will their fate be forty years of strife? Is this union headed for division? No! It's the happiest day of their life!