You quit school age twelve I was almost seven And quite impressed by your Intelligence Obviously you Already knew All that there was to know And were free to go Fourteen years old Boy, you sure could drive And somtimes you'd let me sit Right by your side Some years later on We would sit and drink I saw how you unwrapped Your disappearing act You know i always looked up to you, i admired you I'm not a kid i could kid I won't kid myself Hard as i try those are just stale emotions now So i might as well lead them into their end Please let it end You walked your own way I respect you for that Here everything looks the same To eyes untrained Good morning sun Open up the streets I'm thinking which record to Put on repeat You know i always looked up to you, i admired you But i'm not some kid i could kid I won't kid myself I will do what it takes to climb out of these days I will change, i'll behave Or at least i'll behave Yes i'll behave Hell yes, i always looked up to you, i admired you But i'm not some kid i could kid I won't kid myself Yes, i'll do what it takes to climb up from these days I will change, i'll behave But at least i must say: I'm not for sale Run sister run You are free to go