(Chorus) Underestimated from day one, no one gives a damn about a bastard sun And if we want something done well we gotta do it on our own We got sub-par record sales, and not enough black polish on our fingernails To catch the eye of the dick on the pop throne. UNDER-ESTI-MATED from day one, no one gives a damn about a bastard sun And if we want something done well we gotta do it on our own We got sub-par record sales, and not enough black polish on our fingernails To catch the eye of the dick on the pop throne. Well its been ringing in my ears and bombarding my brain, 10 million bands and they all sound the same, Well I lost my faith in music today, 'cause never have so many had so little to say! Its not about the scene, its all about the cash And those silly tight jeans on your lilly white ass Well we never subscribed, and never fucking will, The tide will subside and we'll remain still… UNDER-ESTI-MATED from day one, no one gives a damn about a bastard sun And if we want something done well we gotta do it on our own We got sub-par record sales, and not enough black polish on our fingernails To catch the eye of the dick on the pop throne. Well its been ringing in my ears and bombarding my brain, 10 million bands and they all sound the same, Well I lost my faith in music today, 'cause never have so many had so little to say! Its not about the scene, its all about the cash And those silly tight jeans on your lilly white ass Well we never subscribed, and never fucking will, The tide will subside and we'll remain still… UNDER-ESTI-MATED from day one, no one gives a damn about a bastard sun And if we want something done well we gotta do it on our own We got sub-par record sales, and not enough black polish on our fingernails To catch the eye of the dick on the pop throne.