Am I on the side of oceans or drowning in a field Will I fight or will I yield to the message he´s been sent with older than my fears Is there any point in giving in to the harvest of black tears Are we in the house of angels Are we destined to survive Is the medicine my flavour Has morality just died or is it in the end closet or underneath my bed with paranoia deceit with letters yet unread Will I prostitute my neighbour Will I hold him to his vows All thsese burdens of Babylon leave such a hallow sound And if you were offensive would I even care or would I turn and coldly say "It´s not my cross to bear" How long must it be? How far must it be How hard should it be? Are we lost here in this kingdom or safer in our cells For every child a Judas For every heart a hell And will be remembered for less than I am worth And what does that amount to And would you let me serve On the underside of aging when the Philistines come home to rid us our dignity to slit our leader´s throats Is this the road to emptiness Is this the prison call Lying with our trinkets held towards the coming storm How long must it be? How far should it be? How hard must it be? Where do we put our faith now that Herod´s got the vote Will the past regain it´s sweetness Will the holes heaf in our coats As martyrs gather ´round us with screams of heresy The basic fact remains tht His children are all free How long must it be? How far must it be? How hard must it be - my freind to believe?