The Ark

The Homecomer

The Ark

The Homecomer 
with a sun-tan 
smoking cigarettes from another land 
that look so neat 
and smell so sweet 
Funny how the kids so dressed up and fine 
are standing in a line 
for the homecomer to say 
they look so sweet, 
mesasure them from head to feet

The Homecomer 
with a strawhat 
showing colour-slides of a viper and a bat 
and where to go 
and where it's at 
Sitting drinking wine with the grown-ups by the fire 
telling all night 'bout the places he's been 
and the people there 
Oh, the kids would love to hear 
so they sneak up near

I'll come home 
with a mind of my own 
and a rucksack full of secrets I can show 
While everyone tries to picture 
what the homecomer's eyes have seen 
A Homecomer 
is what I always wanted to be

The Homecomer 
with a strawhat 
finds his way without a map 
on the countryside 
or in London town 
Looking at the children 
with love in his face 
telling them softly that 
When I was your age 
I longed to be 
someone like me

The Homecomer 
with a sun-tan 
touches his own face 
with the hands of a man 
somethings has changed 
he's not the same 
after an appointment 
with a very old friend 
all good days must come to an end 
so he goes to bed 
and he closes his eyes

I'll come home 
with a mind of my own 
and a rucksack full of secrets I can show 
While everyone tries to picture 
what the homecomer's eyes have seen 
A Homecomer 
is what I always wanted to be.