laying low on a friday night sipping on a box of wine with remote controls like microphones we On-Demand some kareoke on the floor the kittens fight cheeks are warm. we're feeling bright talk about our future plans the house, the kids, the aliens what's this i never sing about our relationship? that's just 'cause everything seems to be perfect subhuman saturdays marathon mysteries stuff our guts with Pizza Days while we crack the case of Jon Benet i'll retire to my instruments while you tune into your Beverly Hills maybe i'll write a killer riff while David's friend shoots himself again what's this i never sing about our relationship? that's just 'cause everything seems to be perfect truth is i'm not ashamed so please dont get me wrong you've got to understand that no songs is good songs sunday morning apartment cleanse first things first let me pest for sex i'll even buy the Diet Cokes if you run in so i don't have to hope i havent said too much felt the need to express the love that i have for you and our day to day i wouldnt want it any other way what's this i never sing about our relationship? that's just 'cause everything seems to be perfect truth is i'm not ashamed so please dont get me wrong you've got to understand that no songs is good songs