It won't be long Soon you will fall from your grace Your own transgressions will serve as validation Throw away your testimony This time it's not going to get you anywhere Nothing you do, nothing you say, will justify your actions You will be incinerated, and I'll enjoy every last second of it My laughter will be heard as you lethargically try To rekindle what you have destroyed How do you expect me to extinguish this malaise? You left me here to rot from the inside out Expecting me to douse myself of love In the end your aspirations will mean nothing You'll get what you deserve You'll regret everything you ever fucking wished for Brace yourself You walk this path alone Your headed down the narrow path of self destruction Abstracted in your thoughts you find yourself alone Another absence left in your mind Another lapse in time You'll never be innocent Despised liar Guilty Deceits cloud your mind Lost in your own disorientation and misconceptions I will not shed one single tear as you follow oblivion Do you not see what you have done? You were my only reason to hold on Now my spirit has been slaughtered and put to extinction A destruction of sentiments I have been depleted of my very existence Expect a smile on my face as I watch you fucking combust Soon you will fall from your fucking grace And this time I wont be there to break your fall This time our rapture dies Slowly burning away