Letter from the county farm, letter from the county farm And the wind it has been blowin' Its been blowin' so strong They're afraid to raise the flag 'less it gets torn to shreds But god forbid the wind should ever stop blowin' But if it did I'm sure we'd all fall down But sometimes it isn't windy Like last february I remember it snowed And a week later it hailed And now it looks like raining Now it looks like raining I'm convinced that what makes the rain and hail so heavy over Here Is that the sherrif has been messing with out minds. Handin' out questionnaries to the pris'ners who are blind To the pris'ners who are blind Let me tell you one thing new at the county farm They've got muzak in the fields Which makes this life of mine a little more unreal A little more unreal But i wish they'd kill the sounds, i wish they'd kill the sounds You don't knowwhat it's like to hear debussy in a california Prison field And i love I love to sing while i'm workin' I love to sing while i'm workin' And the wind has been blowin' And the wind has been blowin' I've given up reading for a time and taken up other pastimes Such as watchin' winos gum their food and epileptics havin' bad Times More frequently i've been lost in this game And it looks like they're gonna make a crim'nal out of me A criminal out of me But those guys who are down on me winnin' Lord knows, they take the game so seriously But what hurts me more, burts me more than anything Is when i get your mail When i get your mail, they've cut you They've cut out the parts and the words that have feeling So i'm left with only part of you I say i'm only left with part of you And the wind has been blowin' And the wind has been blowin' Oh, play your guitar, baby Play your guitar, baby, Get me off this farm, baby, take me away... And apart from all this crap there is some peace and quiet Except for the screws grumbling and mumbling and calling me a Long hair I wouldn't mind, but they cut my hair quite some time ago They cut it off when i first came here Which tells me indo-china is really here behind this wire And it soon will be dying engulfed in their own fire, in their Own fire In fact, they tell me that a boy like me shouldn't think like That But this is murder and everybody accepts that. Lord knows, they all accept it, and everybody knows thatt ain't Where its at So take care, pray for rain and maybe i'll see you Visiting hours next week And when the screw, when the screw says no touching, Lord knows, i'll turn the other cheek. (burdon, gordon)