Listen Plague rats You lice, you leeches You can no longer coast This media mind-rape Has ravaged unchecked Wake up Wake the fuck up parasites You could have been But you're nothing A fucking mixed breed Lazy fucking junk Just white noise in silence You are empty and null Symptom of A counterfeit generation Listen You addicts, junkies, slaves This cult of submission is Rusting your minds Your failing is Your binary reason On/off/black/white Wake up Choke it all down Keep those eyes open Accept every little bit Choke it all down Pretend you wanted this You want an answer? The answer is [word obscured] You want a savior? Try checking in the ad break You want redemption? You want a meaning? You want an answer? The answer is [word obscured] Listen You zeros, nothings, voids Your sullied heart beats on a sleeve smeared with dirt This cancer culture Is beaten and sick This coma culture Has a rotten Core In an empty Concrete room Vision Flickers Static